SBCCI 2003 - 16th Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design
SBMicro 2003 - 18th Symposium on Microelectronics Technology and Devices
Blue Tree Tower Morumbi Convention Center - São Paulo - Brazil
Av. Roque Petroni Jr., 1000 - Morumbi

São Paulo, Brazil
September 8-11 , 2003


Monday, September 8, 2003






Clint Miller,
Samsung Semiconductor INC.

Room: Ametista III
Chair: Toshihiko Komatsu; Itaucom
Abstract: The object is to present an informative view of future semiconductor memory trends (2003-2007) with a discussion of the applications driving those trends. Discussion will include perspectives on DRAM, SRAM, Flash, and options for next generation semiconductor memory. Applications discussed will include enterprise computing, set-top box, automotive, consumer, networking, and mobile/handset products.

Tecnology for the Development of System-On-a-Chip ASIC systems with fast prototyping methodology, very short time to market and low cost

Neimar Duarte,
PI Componentes

Room: Topázio
Chair: Volney Antonio Pedroni - CEFET-PR
Abstract: With new VLSI technologies as 0.13-micron and emerging 90 nm, the densities of available FPGA devices have been growing to a point where very complex SoC system are possible to be implemented in new FPGA devices. The main issue is, usually, the price of this solution for the final product when high production volumes are expected. To produce an ASIC or Gate Array with those technologies, by other side, the initial investment needed is, today, around US$ 500K for 0.13 micron and over US$ 1M for 90 nm, a value too high for most applications. What we present is a technology that takes the advantage of the FPGA development time and methodology, but with an ASIC as a final product, without the initial ASIC investments, allowing a fast development cycle, a very short time to market and low cost.






Marcel Bergerman
Genius Instituto de Tecnologia

Room: Ametista III
Chair: Mauricio Massazumi Oka - LSI/USP
Abstract: Nesta palestra apresentamos o Prêmio Desafio Tecnológico Genius, a ser lançado em 2004 pelo Genius Instituto de Tecnologia. O Genius é o primeiro instituto privado de pesquisa e desenvolvimento brasileiro criado por uma empresa nacional do ramo de eletrônica de consumo. Em uma frase, o Genius pode ser definido como um agente de inovação tecnológica, isto é, que atua na transformação do conhecimento gerado nas universidades em tecnologias e plataformas inovadoras para o mercado. A iniciativa do Prêmio Desafio Tecnológico Genius visa estreitar o relacionamento de sucesso já estabelecido entre o instituto e os grupos de pesquisa brasileiros, através da premiação de grupos por sua atuação destacada em temas de pesquisa sugeridas pelo instituto à comunidade científica do país.

Motorola SPS Design Activities in Brazil: a success story

Narcizo Sabbatini
Junior32-Bit Microcontroller Design Manager
Motorola SPS, Brazil

Room: Topázio
Chair: Volney Antonio Pedroni - CEFET-PR
Abstract: This presentation describes the IC design activities done by the Motorola Semiconductor Products Sector (SPS) in Brazil. The history, products and technologies developed here will be described. There will also be a discussion about the various factors that motivated the creation of a design center in Brazil, and most important, what it takes to make a design operation successful against world wide competition.

Tuesday, September 9, 2003





Challenges on Wafer Fab Manufacturing

Gopal Rao
M.S. Innovative Manufacturing Development
Intel Corporation

Room: Ametista III
Chair: Otto Matarrita - Intel LAR CQE
Abstract: The objective of the presentation on 300mm manufacturing is to showcase Intel's industry leadership position in silicon technology and manufacturing. Specifically, the opportunities and challenges with new process technology, 300mm factory start up and ramp will be discussed. The presentation also highlights the unique manufacturing challenges of keeping pace with the technology treadmill while delivering world class products and services in a cost effective, competitive and safe manner.

The BrazilIP Network and the Fenix Platform

Guido Araujo (IC-UNICAMP)
Edna Barros (CIN-UFPE)

Room: Topázio
Chair: José Camargo da Costa - UNB
Abstract: New 90-nanometer VLSI technology will soon enable the design of complex integrated circuits containing more than 100 Million gates. In order to handle such complexity, the combination of pre-validated semiconductor Intellectual Property (IP) modules into a System-on-a-Chip (SoC)design has been showing to be a promissing design methodology. The BrazilIP Network is a research network put together by eight of the largest Brazilian universities (UFPE, UNICAMP, USP, UFRGS, UFCG, UNB, PUCRS, UFMG) and supported by MCT/CNPq. The central goal of this network is to build an IP exchanger and an open-source IP design methodology for the Brazilian design community. In order to validate the proposed methodology, the BrazilIP group is working in the design of a wireless platform called Fenix. In this talk we will describe the ideas behind the BrazilIP and its Fenix platform, as well as discuss mechanisms on how the community can participate in such effort.





Packaging Technology Challenges

Adam BarrettAssembly and Technology Development (ATD)
Intel Corporation

Room: Ametista III
Chair: Otto Matarrita - Intel LAR CQE
Abstract: In the past few years, packaging and enabling technologies have grown in complexity and diversity, continuing to challenge us all. This presentation will focus on an overview of the driving factors influencing change in packaging technology, and the future challenges ahead of us. A brief overview of Intel packaging technology trends will also be shared with the audience.

High-Quality, Low-Cost IC Fabrication with MOSIS

Hudson J. Mota de Alcantara
MOSIS - USC´s Information Science Institute

Room: Topázio
Chair: José Camargo da Costa - UNB
Abstract: MOSIS is a high-quality, low-cost prototyping and small volume production service for state- of-the-art VLSI circuit with a worldwide customer base. Since 1981, MOSIS has fabricated more than 50,000 different IC designs for use by commercial firms, government agencies and universities. In this overview, the current status of the MOSIS Service, its technology offerings and the MOSIS Educational Program will be presented.