SBCCI 2003 - 16th Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design
SBMicro 2003 - 18th Symposium on Microelectronics Technology and Devices
Blue Tree Tower Morumbi Convention Center - São Paulo - Brazil
Av. Roque Petroni Jr., 1000 - Morumbi

São Paulo, Brazil
September 8-11 , 2003


São Paulo (Sampa), a metropolis with more than 15 million people, is the business and cultural heart of Brazil. São Paulo is a very diverse city with large concentrations of immigrants from Italy, Japan, Portugal, Spain, Germany and many other countries. São Paulo offers many attractions ranging from historic monuments, museums, music festivals, shopping, and a very dynamic nightlife with a wide range of nightclubs, bars and restaurants, arguably second to none in the world. Within easy reach from São Paulo the visitor will find a coastline filled with beautiful beaches as well as ecological parks. Rio de Janeiro can be reached in less than an hour through regular shuttle flights. Iguaçu Falls is also about an hour flight from São Paulo.