Ahmed Jerraya
CEA-LETI - Grenoble France
Title: System Design for 3D Silicon Integration
3-D ICs enable dramatically improved. 3D integration and is expected to be a serious alternative to
below 45 nm technology to continue the race toward integration at lower cost. Improvements of
density of integration and performances will continue thanks to wire length reduction. Additionally,
3D enables an easier mix of technology in the same IC. The success of these new ICs depends on
the availability of new methodologies and skills that are required to achieve acceptable design
quality and productivity. This talk addresses technology trends and design challenges for 3D integration.
Dr. Ahmed Amine Jerraya received the Engineer degree from the University of
Tunis in 1980 and the "Docteur Ingénieur", and the "Docteur d'Etat" degrees
from the University of Grenoble in 1983, and 1989 respectively, all
in computer sciences. From April 1990 to March 1991, he was a Member of
the Scientific Staff at Nortel in Canada, working on linking system design
tools and hardware design environments.
Dr. Jerraya got the grade of Research Director within CNRS (French National Research Center).
He served as General Chair for the Conference DATE in 2001, co-authored 8 Books and published
more than 200 papers in International Conferences and Journals. He received the Best Paper
Award at the 1994 ED&TC for his work on Hardware/Software Co-simulation.
Since February 2007 He joined CEA/LETI (Commissariat à lénergie atomique / Laboratoire
d'électronique et de technologie de l'information) where he is acting as the Director of Strategic Design Programs.