Conference Fees
Early Registration - Deadline: July 31, 2008
Professional Member of SBC, SBMicro, ECS, IFIP, IEEE or ACMUS$ 300.00
Student Member of SBC, SBMicro, ECS, IFIP, IEEE, ACM or One-Day RegistrationUS$ 100.00
Professional Non Member US$ 420.00
Student Non MemberUS$ 120.00
Late Registration
Professional Member of SBC, SBMicro, ECS, IFIP, IEEE or ACMUS$ 390.00
Student Member of SBC, SBMicro, ECS, IFIP, IEEE, ACM or One-Day Registration US$ 140.00
Professional Non MemberUS$ 500.00
Student Non MemberUS$ 170.00
*All registration categories allow unrestricted access to SBCCI, SBMicro and SFORUM. The One-Day Registration applies only to the day the attendee presents himself at the on-site conference secretariat.

**Student fees do NOT include a copy of the conference proceedings, the welcome cocktail and the gala dinner. Please, attach a copy of the student ID to the registration form.

***One-day Registrations do NOT include a copy of the conference proceedings, the welcome cocktail and the gala dinner. Tickets for these social functions will be on sale on site.
Registration and Payment Options (on-line)
Credit card VISA only
Bank Deposit (only for Brazilian residents) Bank deposit
Apply for a Grant:***
(only for Brazilians and Latin American faculties and students)
DEADLINE - Aug. 27, 2008 (Wednesday)
Fill in and submit this form to request a grant. Approval information and instructions will be sent by e-mail for you to complete your registration.
*** A limited number of grants will be available for Brazilian and Latin American faculties and students and members of Brazilian research and education institutions. This grant is made possible through the financial support of Brazilian research agencies.
Registration - Click Here