Technical Program
SBCCI2008, SBMicro2008 and SFORUM2008
    Monday, Sept. 1st
Tutorials Day
Tuesday, Sept. 2nd
Conference and Exhibition
Wednesday, Sept. 3rd
Conference and Exhibition
Thursday, Sept. 4th
Conference and Exhibition
Room: Rubi Room: Esmeralda Room: Rubi Room: Esmeralda Room: Safira Room: Top�zio Room: Rubi Room: Esmeralda Room: Safira Room: Top�zio Room: Rubi Room: Esmeralda Room: Safira Room: Top�zio
8:20-9:00 IEEE EDS
Tutorial 1 (Esmeralda)
Technical Program Opening (Rubi) Session 4:
Session 8:
9:00-9:30 Keynote Speech
Invited talk 2:
Invited talk 3:
9:30-10:00 IEEE EDS/SBCCI Joint Tutorial (Esmeralda)
10:00-10:30 Coffee-break (Safira) Coffee-break (Safira) Coffee-break (Safira)
10:30-11:00 Coffee-break (Safira) Invited talk 1:
Session 1:
Industry Exhibition

SForum 1
Session 2:
Session 5:

SForums 3
Session 3:
Session 5:
Session 9:

SForum 5
Session 6:
11:00-11:30 IEEE CASS
Tutorial 2
Tutorial 3
12:30-14:00 Break for Lunch Break for Lunch Break for Lunch Break for Lunch
14:00-14:30 IEEE EDS
Tutorial 4
Session 1:
Session 2:

SForum 2
Session 3:
Session 4:
Session 6:

SForum 4
Session 7:
Session 10:

SForum 6
Session 11:
14:30-15:00 SBCCI
Tutorial 3
Session 7:
15:00-15:30 IEEE EDS
Tutorial 5
16:00-16:30 Coffee-break (Safira) Coffee-break (Safira) Coffee-break (Safira) Coffee-break (Safira)
16:30-17:00 SBCCI
Tutorial 4
Political Panel
(in Portuguese, Rubi)
Technical Panel Industry
Session 8:
Session 12:
Session 9:
18:30-19:30 Fringe Meeting (Rubi) Official Opening (in Portuguese, Rubi) Fringe Meeting (Esmeralda) Fringe Meeting (Rubi)
19:30-20:30 Welcome Cocktail (Esmeralda)
SBCCI 25th Anniversary Celebration
20-30-21:30 Banquet Dinner:
Churrascaria Garfo & Bombacha

SBMicro2008 Program

Monday, September 1st                           home

8:20 - 9:30 IEEE/EDS Tutorial 1 (Room: Esmeralda)
Fundamentals and Challenges of SOI Technologies and Applications
Carlos Mazure (SOITEC, France)
9:30 - 10:30 IEEE EDS/SBCCI Joint Tutorial (Room: Esmeralda)
Sizing CMOS Circuits by Means of the gm/ID Methodology and a Compact Model
Paul Jespers (Universit� Catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
Chair: S�rgio Bampi (UFRGS, Brazil)
10:30 - 11:00Coffee-Break (Room: Safira)
11:00 - 12:00 IEEE/EDS Tutorial 3 (Room: Esmeralda)
Microelectronic Reliability Topics for Advanced CMOS and SiGe Technologies
Fernando Guarin (IBM)
12:30 -14:00 Break for Lunch
14:00 - 15:00 IEEE/EDS Tutorial 4 (Room: Esmeralda)
Microsystems and Nanosystems: Manufacturing Challenges
Rajendra Singh (Clemson University, USA)
15:00 - 16:00 IEEE/EDS Tutorial 5 (Room: Esmeralda)
Nanoscale Transistors: Ultimate Silicon and Beyond and Nanowire/Nanotube Transistors: Physics, Status, and Prospects
Mark Lundstrom (Purdue University, USA)
16:00 - 16:30Coffee-Break (Room: Safira)
18:30 - 20:30 Fringe Meeting (Room: Rubi, in Portuguese)
Assembl�ia Geral da Comiss�o Especial de Concep��o de Circuitos Integrados da Sociedade Brasileira de Computa��o

Tuesday, September 2nd                           home

8:20 - 9:00 Technical Program Opening (Room: Rubi)
Message from the General Chair
Marcelo Lubaszewski (UFRGS, Brazil)
Message from the Program Chairs

Michel Renovell (LIRMM, France), Rajesh Gupta (UCSD, USA)
Jacobus Swart (UNICAMP, Brazil), Siegfried Selberherr (TU-Wien, Austria)
Fernando Rangel (UFRN, Brazil), Salvador Gimenez (FEI, Brazil)
Maciej Ogorzalek (IEEE CASS President)
9:30 - 10:00 Keynote Address (Room: Rubi)
System-level Design Technologies for Heterogeneous Distributed Systems
Giovani De Micheli (�cole Polytechnique F�d�rale de Lausanne, Switzerland)
Session Chair: Michel Renovell (LIRMM, France)
10:00 - 10:30Coffee-Break (Room: Safira)
Lauching of the Latin-American Student IC Design Contest
Organized by CEITEC
Supported by SBMicro, X-FAB and MOSIS

Session 1 Optoelectronics (Room: Esmeralda)
Chair: Newton Fratechi (UNICAMP)

10:40 - 11:20 Photovoltaics: Multi Terra Watt Green Energy Conversion in the 21st Century (Invited)

R. Singh, N. Gupta and K. F. Poole (Clemson University, USA)
11:20 - 11:40 Towards 21% Efficiency Silicon Solar Cells with Rear Passivation in Non-Ultra Clean Facilities: the Development of a Simplified Fabrication Process Achieving 660mV / 670mV Open-Circuit Voltages using FZ and Cz Silicon Wafers

Nair Stem, Manuel Cid and Carlos Alberto Ramos
EPUSP, Brazil
11:40 - 12:00 Multi-Efficiency Position-Sensitive Detector with Linearized Response

Adrian Chasin, Luciana Salles and Davies Lima Monteiro
UFMG, Brazil
12:00 - 12:30 Observation of Resonance Modes in InAs/InGaAsP/InP Quantum Dot Microdisk Resonators

Jos� Roberto Mialichi, Luis Alberto M. Barea, Ant�nio Augusto VonZuben and Newton Ces�rio Frateschi
Unicamp, Brazil
12:30 -14:00 Break for Lunch

Session 2 - MOS Gate Dieletrics (Room: Esmeralda)
Chair: Henri Boudinov (UFRGS)

14:00 - 14:40Engineered Substrates for Power, RF and 3D (Invited)
Carlos Mazure (Soitec, France)
14:40 - 15:00 High-k Gate-Dielectrics Based on Titanium-Aluminium for sub-32 nm CMOS Technology

Juliana Miyoshi, Ricardo Wada, Angelica Denardi de Barros, F�bio Aparecido Cavarsan, Ioshiaki doi and Jos� Alexandre Diniz
Unicamp, Brazil
15:00 - 15:20 A novel approach to characterization of progressive BD in high-k / metal gate stacks

Roberto Pagano, Salvatore Lombardo, Felix Palumbo, Carloni, Kirsch, Krishnan, Young, Choi, Bersuker and James Stathis
IMM-CNR, Italy
15:20 - 15:40 Radiation Effects on Programmed NROM Cells

Domenico Corso, Andrea Palermo, Felix Palumbo, Sebania Libertino, Salvatore Lombardo, Michael Lisiansky and Yakov Roizin
IMM-CNR, Italy
CNEA, Argentina
Tower Semiconductors, Israel
15:40 - 16:00 Improved Density of States and Effective Charge Density in SI/PECVD SIOXNY Interface

Katia Albertin and In�s Pereyra
USP, Brazil

Session 3 - Packaging (Room: Top�zio)
Chair: Celso Peter (CEITEC)

14:40 - 15:00 Waferlevel Vacuum Packaging: Essential for Microscanners in Mobile Applications

Marten Oldsen, U. Hofmann, W. Reinert, H.J. Quenzer and B. Wagner
Fraunhofer ISIT, Germany
15:00 - 15:20 Mechanism Design of Rotational Magnetic-Assistance Electrochemical Finishing on Freeform Surface

P.S. Pa
National Taipei University of Education, Taiwan
15:20 - 15:40 Characterization of Plastic Packaging with Fringing Electric Field Sensors

Kishore Sundara-Rajan, Abhinav Mathur and Alexander Mamishev
University of Washington, USA
15:40 - 16:00 Study of a Low Cost Reballing of BGA Method with Lead-Free Solder Paste

Talita Mazon, Guilherme Prevedel, Egont Schenkel and Marcio Biasoli
CenPRA, Brazil
16:00 - 16:30 Coffee-Break (Room: Safira)
16:30 - 18:30 Political Panel (Room: Rubi, in Portuguese)
Pol�tica de C&T para Inova��o e Competitividade em TIC

Organizador: Altamiro Susin (SBMicro, Brazil)
Moderador: S�rgio Bampi (CECCI-SBC, Brazil)
S�rgio Rezende, Exmo. Ministro de Ci�ncia eTecnologia
Jacobus Swart, Institutos do MCT
Ag�ncias Governamentais: CNPq, FINEP e BNDES
Assoc. Bras. das Ind�strias de Eletro-Eletr�nica
Gisele Roesems, Com. de Nanoeletr�nica - CEE

18:30 - 19:30 Official Opening (Room: Rubi, in Portuguese)

Sergio Rezende, Exmo. Ministro de Ci�ncia eTecnologia
Secretaria de C&T do Estado do RGS
Univ. Fed. do Rio Grande do Sul
Ag�ncias Governamentais: CNPq, FINEP e CAPES
Marcelo Lubaszewski, Coordena��o do Evento
Altamiro Susin, SBMicro
S�rgio Bampi, CECCI-SBC
Maciej Ogorzalek, IEEE CASS
Entrega do Pr�mio Padre Landell de Moura
Sergio Rezende, Exmo. Ministro de Ci�ncia eTecnologia

19:30 -21:30 Welcome Cocktail (Room: Esmeralda)
SBCCI 25� Anniversary Celebration

Wednesday, September 3rd                           home

Session 4 - Device Characterization (Room: Esmeralda)
Chair: Fernando Guarin (IBM)

8:30 - 9:10 Miniaturization - Performance and Reliability Trends in Advanced CMOS Technologies (Invited)

Fernando Guarín (IBM)
9:10 - 9:30 Influence of the Drain Bias and Gate Length of Partially Depleted SOI MOSFETs on the ZTC Biasing Point

Luciano Mendes Camillo, Jo�o Antonio Martino, Eddy Simoen and Cor Claeys
USP, Brazil
IMEC, KU Leuven, Belgium
9:30 - 9:50 Influence of Fin Width on the Intrinsic Voltage Gain of Standard and Strained Triple-Gate nFinFETs

Marcelo Pavanello, Joao Martino, Eddy Simoen, Rita Rooyackers, Nadine Collaert and Cor Claeys
IMEC, KU Leuven, Belgium
9:50 - 10:20 Channel Length Influence on the Performance of Source-Follower Buffers Implemented with Graded-Channel SOI nMOSFETs

Michelly de Souza, Denis Flandre and Marcelo Pavanello
USP, Centro Universit�rio da FEI, Brazil
Universit� Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
10:00 - 10:30 Coffee-Break (Room: Safira)

Session 5 - Thin Films and Plasma Etching (Room: Esmeralda)
Chair: Arturo Escobosa (CINVESTAV)

10:30 -10:50 Analysis of Electromigration in Dual Damascene Interconnect Structures

Roberto Lacerda de Orio, Sara Carniello, Hajdin Ceric and Siegfried Selberherr
TUWien, Austria Microsystems AG, Austria
10:50 - 11:10 Photoluminescence in silicon-rich PECVD silicon oxynitride alloys

Marcia Ribeiro and In�s Pereyra
USP, Brazil
11:10 - 11:30 Electrical characterization of electrodeposited Co/p-Si Schottky diodes

Ricardo Zandonay, Rafael Gallina Delatorre and Andr� Avelino Pasa
UFSC, Brazil
11:30 -11:50 Plasma Diagnostics in an Inductively Coupled Plasma - Gaseous Electronics Conference Reference Cell

Andre Daltrini, Stanislav Moshkalev, Thomas Morgan, Robert Piejak and William Graham
CEITEC, Unicamp, Brazil,
Wesleyan University, USA
Queen's University, Northern Ireland
11:50 - 12:10 Etching Characteristics and Surface Morphology of Nitrogen-Doped a-SiC Films Prepared by RF Magnetron Sputtering

Mariana Fraga, Rodrigo Pessoa, Marcos Massi, Ivo Oliveira, Homero Maciel, Herculano Martinho, Sebasti�o Santos Filho and Jossano Marcuzzo
ITA, UFABC, Brazil
12:10 - 14:00 Break for Lunch

Session 6 - Device Modeling (Room: Esmeralda)
Chair: Jos� Alexandre Diniz (UNICAMP)

14:00 - 14:20 Mobility Modeling in Advanced MOSFETS with Ultra-Thin Silicon Body Under Stress

Viktor Sverdlov and Siegfried Selberherr
TU-Wien, Austria
14:20 - 14:40 Analog Performance of Dynamic Threshold Voltage SOI MOSFET

Jefferson Amaro, Paula Agopian and Jo�o Martino
USP, Brazil
14:40 - 15:00 A Series Association Model For Double Gate Graded-Channel SOI nMOSFET Analog Circuit Simulation

Francisco Ferreira, Antonio Cerdeira and Marcelo Pavanello
Centro Universit�rio da FEI, Brazil
15:00 - 15:20 Efficient and Accurate Neural Network-Based Macro-models for Spiral Inductors

Abby Ilumoka and Raghuveer J. Srinivasan
University of Hartford, North-East Utilities, USA
15:20 - 15:40 3D Triple-gate simulation considering the crystallographic orientations

Jorge E. Conde, Antonio Cerdeira and MArcelo Antonio Pavanello
Centro Universit�rio da FEI, Brazil
15:40 - 16:00 Strained-Si MOSFETs for Low-Power Applications

T. K. Maiti, T. Das, P. S. Das, S. K. Sarkar and C. K. Maiti
IIT Kharagpur, India

Session 7 - Organic Devices and Displays (Room: Top�zio)
Chair: Victor Mammana (CTI)

14:00 - 14:20 Charge transport layers in OC1C10-PPV PLEDs

Helena Liberatori Gimaiel, Ely A. T. Dirani, Fernando J. Fonseca, Gerson Santos and Adnei M. de Andrade
14:20 - 14:40 Field emission studies in a conducting sphere-plane electrodes system

Fernando Fuzinatto Dall'Agnol, Alexandre Candido Paulo, Pablo Jenner Paredez Angeles and Victor Pellegrini Mammana
CenPRA, Brazil
14:40 - 15:00 A Possible Optodevice using a Single Molecule of Dithiothreitol

Daniel Lohmann and Carlo Requi�o da Cunha
UFSC, Brazil
15:00 - 15:20 The device-technological simulation of the field emission micro-cathodes with three-dimensional SOI-structures

Druzhynin Anatolij, Holota Viktor, Kogut Igor, Sapon Sergij and Khoverko Yurij
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Precarpathian National University, Thian National University, Kvazar-Micro, Ukraine
15:20 - 15:40 Design of Disc-Shaped Tool in Electrochemical Removal of Displays' Color Filter Reclaim Processs

P.S. Pa
National Taipei University of Education, Taiwan
15:40 - 16:00 Asymmetry and Rectification in Tunnel Current of All Polymer Diode

Bruno Sousa, Jo�o Paulo Santos, Helder Guimaraes, Janaina Guimaraes and Artemis Ceschin
UnB, Brazil
16:00 - 16:30 Coffee-break (Room: Safira)
16:30 - 18:30 Technical Panel (Room: Rubi)
Challenges of the Nanoscale Era
Organizer: Ricardo Jacobi (UnB, Brazil)
Moderator: Sergio Bampi (UFRGS, Brazil)
Rajesh Gupta (UCSD, USA)
Siegfried Selberherr (TU-Wien, Austria)
Andreas Kuehlmann (Cadence Berkeley Labs, USA)
Michel Renovell (LIRMM, France)
18:30 - 20:30 Fringe Meeting (Room: Esmeralda, in Portuguese)
Assembl�ia Geral da Sociedade Brasileira de Microeletr�nica

Thursday, September 4th                           home

Session 8 - Process Integration and Devices (Room: Esmeralda)
Chair: Jo�o Antonio Martino (USP)

8:30 - 9:10 Overview on Gate Dielectrics (Invited)
José Alexandre Diniz (UNICAMP, Brazil)
9:10 - 9:30 Halo Optimization for 0.13um SOI CMOS Technology

Paula Agopian, Julia Arraba�a and Jo�o Martino
USP, Centro Universit�rio da FEI, Brazil
9:30 - 9:50 Behaviour Study of Low-Loss Slow-Wave Coplanar Transmission Lines for RFIC Applications

Darine Kaddour, Hamza Issa, Marwa Abdelaziz, Florence Podevin, Emmanuel Pistono, Jean-Marc Duchamp and Philippe Ferrari
9:50 - 10:10 Adjustment of Microwave Integrated Circuit (MIC) with Focused Ion Beam (FIB)

Leonardo B. Zoccal, Alfredo R. Vaz, Silas D. Yamamoto, Stanislav Moschkalev, Jos� A. Diniz and Jacobus W. Swart
Unicamp, Brazil
10:00 - 10:30 Coffee-Break (Room: Safira)

Session 9 - MEMS: Devices, Structures and Processing I (Room: Esmeralda)
Chair: Renato Ribas (UFRGS)

10:30 - 10:50 Direct Electrical Detection of Biological Species

Olivier De Sagazan, Maxime Harnois, Aurelie Girard, France Le Bihan, Anne-Claire Salaun, Samuel Crand and Tayeb Mohammed-Brahim
IETR, France
10:50 - 11:10 Multi-scale Modeling and Simulation of Field-Effect Biosensors

Christian Ringhofer and Clemens Heitzinger
Arizona State University, USA
University of Vienna, Austria
11:10 - 11:30 Electrical and optical response of a conducting polymer gas sensor

John Paul Hempel Lima and Adnei Melges de Andrade
USP, Brazil
11:30 - 11:50 Time-of-Flight Flow Sensor Microstructure Using Free-Standing Polysilicon Filaments

Roberto Rodrigues and Rogerio Furlan
Federal University of ABC, Brazil
University of Puerto Rico at Humacao, Puerto Rico
11:50 - 12:10 Simulation of Anisotropic Etching of Silicon Using a Cellular Automata Model

Jos� Pinto de Oliveira J�nior and Marcelo Nelson Pa�z Carre�o
USP, Brazil
12:10 -14:00 Break for Lunch

Session 10 - MEMS: Devices, Structures and Processing II (Room: Esmeralda)
Chair: Davies William Monteiro (UFMG)

14:00 - 14:20 Complete Microfluidic System Fabricated in Glass Substrates

Juliana Novais Schianti, Murilo Zubioli Mielli, Alexandre Tavares Lopes and Marcelo Nelson Paez Carre�o
EPUSP, Brazil
14:20 - 14:40 Nanocomposite of Porous Silicon and Methylene Blue Molecules for Optical Gas Sensor Application

Aldo Acosta, Daniel Raimundo, Danilo Huanca and Walter Salcedo
USP, Brazil
14:40 -15:00 Piezoelectric Stimulation of Microcantilever Beams for Young's Modulus Determination of Amorphous hydrogenated Silicon Carbide

Gustavo Rehder and Marcelo Carre�o
EPUSP, Brazil
15:00 -15:20 Secondary AgCl/Ag Pseudo-Reference Electrode in Silicon Substrate

Fernando Luis de Almeida, Marcelo Bariatto Andrade Fontes, Cecilia Jimenez and Isabel Burdallo
CNM-IMB, Spain
15:20 - 15:40 ARX Model of Elastic Nuclei for Rotors MEMS

Manuel Reimbold, Wang Chong, Gideon Leandro and Renato Ribas
15:40 - 16:00 Simulation and Fabrication of Suspended-Membrane Resistive Microbolometers Using Gold-Black as Absorber

Felipe Lorenzo Della Lucia, Jacobus Willibrordus Swart, Leonardo B. Zoccal, Jos� Alexandre Diniz, Ioshiaki Doi and Newton Cesario Frateschi
Unicamp, Brazil

Session 11 - Nano-structures and Devices (Room: Top�zio)
Chair: Siegfied Selberherr (TU Vienna)

14:00 - 14:20 Electrical Characterization of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes in 2 and 4 Terminals Configurations

Jorge Leon, Stanislav A. Moshkalev, Alexander Flacker, Alfredo R. Vaz, Carla Verissimo and Mario A. Bica de Moraes
Unicamp, Brazil
14:20 - 14:40 Local Anodic Oxidation Induced by Electric Fields of MV/cm at AFM Silicon Nitride Tips on Silicon Surfaces

Diego Kops Pinto and Sebasti�o Gomes dos Santos Filho
EPUSP, Brazil
14:40 -15:00 Computational Intelligence Applied to the Growth of Quantum Dots

Anderson Singulani, Omar Vilela Neto, Marco Aur�lio Pacheco, Mauricio P. Pires and Patricia L. Souza
PUC-Rio, UFRJ, Brazil
15:00 -15:20 Considerations about Interconnection Effects in Basic Single-Electron Circuits

Vitor Andrezo, Thacio Scandaroli, Janaina Guimaraes and Jose Camargo da Costa
UnB, Brazil
15:20 - 15:40 Fabrication and Physical Characterization of Nickel Nanowires Formed by a Template-Based Electrodeposition Method

Juliana Lopes Cardoso, Giuliano Gozzi and Sebasti�o Gomes dos Santos Filho
UFMG, Brazil
15:40 - 16:00 Evidence for an intraband Auger effect in InAs/InGaAlAs/InP quantum dot structures

Thomas Gebhard, Deborah Alvarenga, Patricia L. Souza, Paulo S�rgio Soares Guimar�es, Karl Unterrainer, Mauricio P. Pires, Gustavo S. Vieira and Jos� M. Villas-Boas
Photonics Institute - TU-Wien, Austria
16:00 - 16:30 Coffee-break (Room: Safira)
Session 12 - Poster session (Room: Esmeralda)
Chair: Nilton Morimoto (USP)


TiO2 Anti-Resonant Layer Arrow Waveguides
Daniel Orquiza Carvalho and Marco Isa�as Alayo
EPUSP, Brazil

Diffractive Optical Elements Based in Brand Glass
Marina Sparvoli, Ronaldo Mansano and Jos� Chubaci
EPUSP, Brazil

Analytical Model for a Mixed Association of Photovoltaic Cells
Tulio Barcelos, Moises Lessa and Davies de Lima Monteiro
UFMG, Brazil

Thermal Oxide Passivation by Corona Charges
Carlos Alberto Santos Ramos, Manuel Cid S�nchez, Nair Stem and Roberto Koji Onmori
EPUSP, Brazil

MOS Gate Dielectrics

Characteristics of Titanium Oxide Gate NMOSFET Formed by E-BEAM Evaporation With Additional Rapid Thermal Oxidation and Annealing
Ang�lica Denardi de Barros, Juliana Miyoshi, Ricardo Wada, Fabio A. Cavarsan, Ioshiaki Doi and Jos� Alexandre Diniz

Device Characterization

LIinearity Analisys in Double Gate Graded-Channel SOI Devices Applied to 2-MOS MOSFET-C Balanced Structures
Rodrigo Trevisoli Doria, Antonio Cerdeira, Jean-Pierre Raskin, Denis Flandre and Marcelo Pavanello
USP, FEI, Brazil
CINVESTAV, Mexico and UCL, Belgium

Carriers Mobility Extraction Methods for Triple-gate FinFET
Carolina Davanzzo Gomes dos Santos and Jo�o Antonio Martino
EPUSP, Brazil

Thin Films and Plasma Etching

Post-Silicidation Annealing Effects on Electrical and Structural Properties of NiPt Germanosilicide
Marcos Eleot�rio, Ioshiaki Doi, Robinson Figueroa, Jos� Alexandre Diniz and Sebasti�o G. dos Santos Filho
USP, Brazil

Bird's Beak and Thermally Induced Stress Defects Evaluations of LOCOS Structures Fabricated Using ECR-CVD SiNx Without Pad Oxide
Heraldo Scalise

Electroless Deposited Nickel Hard Mask for High Density Plasma Etching Applications
Alcinei Nunes, Stanislav Moshkalev, Alexander Flacker, Peter Tatsch and Edmilson Besseler

Electrical characterization of Cu/Cu2O electrodeposited contacts
Iuri Stefani Brandt, Clodoaldo Irineu Levartoski de Araujo, Vagner Stenger, Rafael Gallina Delatorre, and Andr� Avelino Pasa
UFSC, Brazil

Device Modeling

An Improved Current Model for Trapezoidal FINFETS
Gustavo Martins, Renato Giacomini and Jo�o Martino
FEI, USP, Brazil

Corner Effect on Capacitance-Voltage curves in Triple Gate FinFET
Michele Rodrigues, Victor Sonnenberg and Jo�o Antonio Martino

Flexible Power Amplifiers Designing from Device to Circuit level by Computational Load-Pull Simulation Technique in TCAD
Ahsan Kashif, Sher Azam, Christer Sevensson and Qamar Wahab
IFM-Link�ping University, Sweden

Organic Devices and Displays

Electrical Transport Mechanisms in Mono-Layer Phthalocyanine Device
Daniel Raimundo, Adriana Stelet, Danilo Huanca and Walter Salcedo
USP, Brazil

A contribution to the development of organic semiconductor displays by the inkjet technique
Alex Frazatti and Adnei Andrade

Process Integration and Devices

DC performance and Low Frequency Noise in n-MOSFETs using Self-Aligned Poly-Si / SiGe Gate
Hugo Ricardo Jimenez, Leandro T. Manera, Ricardo Cotrin Teixeira, Marcia F. Rautemberg, Jos� Alexandre Diniz, Ioshiaki Doi, Peter J�rgen Tatsch, Hugo Enrique Hernandes Figueroa and Jacobus W. Swart

Antennas miniaturization analysis for applications in sensors networks
Crezo M. Costa Jr, Glauco Fontgalland, M. A. B. Melo, Raimundo C.S. Freire, T.P. Vuong and Nilton Morimoto
UFCG, USP, Brazil
INPG, France

MEMS: Devices, Structures and Processing

3D Simulation Software for Visualization of MEMS Microfabrication Processes
F�bio Belotti Colombo, Paula Morita Okama, Fernando Tsuda, Rafael Garib Jankauskas, Pedro Kayatt, Douglas F. de Souza and Marcelo N.P. Carre�o
EPUSP, Brazil

Nano-structures and Devices

Fabrication of Multi-point Test Structures Using Focused Ion Beam and Selective Carbon Nanotubes Deposition by Dielectrophoresis
Marcelo Macchi da Silva, Alfredo Vaz, Carla Ver�ssimo, Stanislav Moshkalev and Jacobus Swart

Digital Image Analysis to Determine Diameters Distribution of Nanofibers
Priscila Cal�ope, Emilio Hernandez and Ana Silva
EPUSP, Brazil

18:35 - 20:30 Fringe Meeting (Room: Rubi, in Portuguese)
Encontro com o Comit� Assessor de Microeletr�nica do CNPq
20:30 - 23:00 Banquet Dinner:
Churrascaria Garfo & Bombacha