A Visa to enter Brazil is required for citizens of several countries.Please check with your travel agent or with a local BrazilianEmbassy/Consulate whether or not this applies to you.
In case you need a Visa, the Brazilian Consulate will request that youinclude in your application file a Visa Recommendation Letter. To get yourLetter, please, send an e-mail to providing thefollowing information:
- Name;
- e-mail;
- Affiliation;
- Name of Presentation (if applicable);
- Postal Address (only necessary if the Brazilian Embassy/Consulate inyour area requires the original);
The Visa recommendation letter will only be issued to speakers orattendees who have paid their registration fee. We will process yourrequest and send the letter attached by e-mail. In case you need theoriginal be sent by post, please, let us know.
Visa letters will state only the following facts: - Conference title, dates and location;
- That the requester has paid the required registration fee in full;
- Participation status: committee member, invited speaker, author orpresenter;
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