Enrique Miranda
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) – Spain
Tuesday, Aug. 28 – 13:40h – Malbec A
Enrique Miranda
Compact modeling of hysteresis effects in ReRAM devices
Resistive switching (RS) of thin oxides is called to be the next breakthrough in the field of memory devices and neuromorphic computation. Devices based on this mechanism can, under an appropriate electrical stimulus, reversibly change their resistance state and retain this value even when the power is turned off. This is a nonvolatile effect based on the formation and dissolution of filamentary pathways spanning the dielectric film that substitutes the storage charge principle used in conventional memory devices. In this presentation, the hysteresis effects associated with RS in resistive RAMs, the connection with Chua’s memristive systems and the implementation of compact models for these devices in LTSpice will be discussed.
Speaker’s Biography:
EM is Professor at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Spain. He has a PhD in Electronics Engineering from the UAB (1999) and a PhD in Physics from the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina (2001). He received numerous scholarships and awards including: INTERCAMPUS (Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain), MUTIS (UAB), RAMON y CAJAL (UAB), from DAAD (Technical University Hamburg-Harburg), from the italian government (Universita degli Studi di Padova), MATSUMAE (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan), TAN CHIN TUAN (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore), WALTON award from Science Foundation Ireland (Tyndall National Institute), Distinguished Visitor Award (Royal Academy of Engineering, UK), CESAR MILSTEIN (CNEA, Argentina), Visiting Professorships from Slovak Academy of Sciences and Leverhulme Trust (University College London, UK). He serves as member of the Distinguished Lecturer program of the Electron Devices Society (EDS-IEEE) since 2001 and as Editorial Advisor of the journal Microelectronics Reliability since 2003. He forms or has formed part of INFOS, IRPS, ESREF, MIEL, E-MRS, ESSDERC, and IPFA Technical or Steering Committees. EM was visiting scientist at the Indian Institute of Technology-India, IHP-Germany, Universita di Napoli, Modena, Cagliari-Italy, and Soochow University-China. He has authored and co-authored around 200 peer-review journal papers most of them devoted to the electron transport mechanisms in thin dielectric films.
Tutorial realized together with the 2018 EDS Brazil Mini-Colloquium, co-organized by EDS FEI Student Chapter.