
Master Sponsor

LogoBNDES_300dpi Governo_Federal

Silicon Sponsor



The event will boost a week with plenary sessions, technical presentations, tutorials and discussion panels. The “Chip in/on” trademark has been happening in Brazil consistently in the last thirty years, each time in a different location in the country.

Chip on the Mountains is an international event that hosts a Technology Exposition and Symposia, presenting the latest developments in microelectronics, micro-systems, electronic instrumentation and related fields.


Platinum Sponsor

Academic_Network_Red Logo_keysight BDMG

Chip on the Mountains will take place in the city of Belo Horizonte, capital of the State of Minas Gerais. This international conference offers a unique blend of interdisciplinary topics and includes plenary sessions, technical presentations & posters, tutorials, discussion panels, social events & networking possibilities.


Gold Sponsors

SynopsysLogo_STS-RBG Creative-Solutions_logo-MG MOSIS_logo

In 2016 the event will happen amidst the hills and mountains of Minas Gerais hosting five co-located symposia. Please visit each symposium in the EVENTS drop-down list above.

Visit the EXPO page as well.


Silver Sponsors

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logo_ufmg_brasao dcc_logo_2 Captura de tela 2016-04-08 10.22.15 delt2 departamento-de-física
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ieee acm MARCA_FINAL_JPG_VERSAO_2 sbmicro CAS_logo ifip
ee7cf0d4-8619-4359-be52-66926df6069019_society_logo.jpg logo_sba sbf ECSLogo EDS logo CEDA_Logo_large_R

contact: chip@dcc.ufmg.br