Digital Circuits, Mixed Signal and Applications I

August 31st – 14:00pm – 16:00pm
Room: FPGA
Chair: Ney Calazans
  • 14:00h: Energy-Aware Light-Weight DMM-1 Patterns Decoders with Efficiently Storage in 3D-HEVC
    • Gustavo Sanchez, César Marcon and Luciano Agostini
  • 14:20h: A Novel Pruned-Based Algorithm for Energy-Efficient SATD Operation in the HEVC Coding
    • Leonardo Soares, Claudio Diniz, Eduardo Costa and Sergio Bampi

  • 14:40h: Low-Power Hardware Design for the HEVC Binary Arithmetic Encoder Targeting 8K Videos
    • Fábio Luís Ramos, Jones Goebel, Bruno Zatt, Marcelo Porto and Sergio Bampi
  • 15:00h: An FPGA-based accelerator for multiple real-time template matching
    • Erika Albuquerque, Antonyus Ferreira, Renato Carlos, Joao Silva, Joao Barbosa, Djeefther Souza and Edna Barros
  • 15:20h: A Hardware Accelerator for the Alignment of Multiple DNA Sequences
    • Antonyus Ferreira, Joao Silva, Jefferson Anjos, Luiz Figueiroa, Edna Barros, Manoel Lima and Victor Medeiros

  • 15:40h: Field-coupled Nanocomputing Energy Analysis Tool – (SFORUM)
    • Marco Antonio Ribeiro, Jeferson Chaves and Omar Vilela Neto