September 2nd – 13:20pm – 15:20pm
Room: TBD
Session Chair: Ricardo Reis
Invited Speaker Chair: Omar Paranaiba Vilela Neto
  • 14:00h: A Placement and Routing Algorithm for Quantum-dot Cellular Automata
    • Alyson Trindade, Ricardo Ferreira, José Nacif, Douglas Salles and Omar Paranaiba Vilela Neto

  • 14:20h: MagPDK: an Open-Source Process Design Kit for Circuit Design with Magnetic Tunnel Junctions
    • Raphael M. Brum and Gilson I. Wirth

  • 14:40h: Evaluating the Impact of Circuit Legalization on Incremental Optimization Techniques
    • Renan Netto, Vinicius Livramento, Chrystian Guth, José Luís Güntzel and Luiz C. V. dos Santos

  • 15:00h: A Standard Cell Characterization Flow for Voltage Scaling Operation
    • Matheus Gibiluka, Matheus Trevisan Moreira, Walter Lau Neto and Ney Laert Vilar Calazans