
September 2nd – 13:20pm – 15:40pm
Room: Wafer
Chair: Frank Sill Torres
  • 14:00h: A three dimensional model for a graphene guided SH-SAW sensor using Finite Element Method
    • Ioannis Nikolaou, Hamida Hallil, Ollivier Tamarin, Corinne Dejous and Dominique Rebiere

  • 14:20h: A Compact Eigth-terminal Piezotransducer for Stress Measurements in Silicon
    • Jose Luis Ramirez and Fabiano Fruett

  • 14:40h: Analysis of Heavy-Ion Particles Striking Regions Inside and Between SiGe PIN Photodetectors
    • Rudolf Buhler, Andre Perin, Carla Novo, Marcilei Silveira and Renato Giacomini

  • 15:00h: Responsivity Improvement for Short Wavelenghts Using Gated PIN Lateral SiGe Diodes
    • Carla Novo, Rudolf Buhler and Renato Giacomini

  • 15:20h: Layout and Fabrication of Long Legs Microbolometer
    • Marcelo S. B. Castro and Marcio S. Souza