Design Flow and Methodology
September 1st – 14:00pm – 15:40pm
Room: Diode
Chair: Andrea Iabrudi Tavares
- 14:00h: Study Case of Mixed Verification Flow to cope Analog Mixed Signal Mismatch Integration
Vinicius Martins, Wang Jiang Chau, Roberto Rangel and Jerson Guex
- 14:20h: Automatic Synthesis of High-Speed Asynchronous Systems from a Behavioral Specification
Kledermon Garcia, Duarte Oliveira, Lester Faria and Orlando Verducci
- 14:40h: An Approach for De-synchronization: Synthesis of Asynchronous Controllers from Synchronous Design
Duarte Oliveira, Higor Delsolto, Orlando Verducci and Lester Faria
- 15:00h: EDA and IP, a key component of SoC design
Terrance Lee Back (Synopsys)