Joan Ramón Morante
Catalonia Institute of Research for Energy – Spain
Thursday, Aug. 30 – 9:00h – Malbec B
Development of Sensors and Energy Storage Capacities for Fully Autonomous Systems
Fully autonomous systems are required from many applications where energy supply constitutes a major difficulty, or it prevents its utilization such it happens in smart buildings, smart cities, advanced manufacturing systems or internet of thing cards, for example.
In this context, harvesting becomes one of the alternatives for harnessing enough energy to supply and guarantee the system functionality. Nevertheless, these systems suffer of several serious difficulties. From one hand, frequently sensor power consumption is too high and rise problems to capture enough energy being mandatory to redesign sensors for diminishing its power consumption. On the other hand, the energy storage, integrated to the system, needs to guarantee a very large life time, big number of cycles without degradation of the characteristics, which is not yet accomplishing for thin film all solid state lithium-based batteries.
In this talk, taking as an example some integrated chemical sensors and the preparation and use of supercapacitors, the concept, development and use of fully autonomous systems will be presented, discussed and its potential extension analyzed.
Speaker’s Biography:
His activities have been centered in electronic materials and electronic devices; the assessment of their related technologies and production processes, specially emphasizing electronic materials and device technology transfer. He was involved on sensors, actuators and Microsystems, especially on chemical sensors.
Currently, he is now focused in the mechanisms of energy transfer in solid interfaces involving electrons, photons and phonons as well as chemicals. Likewise, he is specialized in the development of renewable energy devices and systems for applications in the field of energy and environment based on nano structures and their functionalization. His special attention is focused on advanced materials and structures for artificial photosynthesis including the production of hydrogen and fuels at solar refineries.
He has co-authored more than 600 publications with more than 18,500 citations (h> 69) according scopus data base and 21 patents, has directed 43 doctoral theses, has participated / coordinated numerous projects in different international and industrial programs (> 50), organized various international technological scientific conferences in the field of sensors / microsystems and “nano-energy” and has been distinguished with the medal Narcís Monturiol of the Generalitat de Catalunya. He has also served as vice president of the European Materials Society and is the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics.