5ᵗʰ International Symposium on Instrumentation System, Circuits and Transducers
Dear Authors,
Given the uncertain situation due to the pandemic of COVID 19, we, the organizing committee of INSCIT 2020, together with the “Chip in the Fields” organizers and Brazilian Microelectronics Society, have decided to postpone the conference to 2021. The presential conference with peer reviewed papers has been rescheduled to August 2021. It will take place in Campinas led by the same organizing team.
However, for researchers who publish in INSCIT to have the opportunity to publicize their work, the Journal of Integrated Circuits and Systems, of the Brazilian Society of Microelectronics – JICS, will make a ‘Special Edition on INSCIT 2020” in the second half of 2020. Articles, with between 4 and 5 pages and following the journal format, must be submitted through the journal system and will be evaluated as usual, with a round of evaluations and publication of the corrected version.
The manuscript submission must be done through the JICS webpage (http://ojs.fei.edu.br/ojs/index.php/JICS ), until May 22, 2020. It is important to indicate “Special Section on INSCIT2020” when submitting the manuscript.
• Detectors, Sensors and Transducers Systems and Techniques
• Measurement Systems Theory and Architectures
• RF, MW and mmW Measurement Circuits and Techniques
• Systems and Circuits for WSN and IoT
• Circuits and Systems Testing
• Measurement of Non-Electrical Quantities
• Analog-to-Digital and Digital-to-Analog Converters
• Electric and Magnetic Instrumentation and Measurement
• Energy Harvesting and Wireless Power Transferring
• Signal Processing and Data Storage
• RFID and Short-Distance Radios
10ᵗʰ WCAS - Workshop on Circuits and Systems Design
35ᵗʰ SBMicro - Symposium on Microelectronics Technology and Devices
20ᵗʰ SForum - Microelectronics Students Forum
33ʳᵈ SBCCI - Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design
General Chair
Jacobus Swart, imec & UNICAMP, Brazil
Local Chairs
Lucas Spejo, UNICAMP, Brazil
Ricardo Cotrin, CTI, Brazil
Aymara Villela, Swart SI, Brazil
Publication Chair
Diomadson Belfort, UFRN, Brazil
Program Chairs
Leandro Manera, UNICAMP, Brazil
Sebastian Yuri Catunda, UFRN, Brazil
Fernando Rangel, UFSC, Brazil
Ado Jorio, UFMG, Brazil
Finance Chairs
Aymara Villela, Swart SI, Brazil
Celina Yunaka, USP, Brazil
Exhibition Chairs
Marcos Pimentel, CTI, Brazil
Saulo Finco, CTI, Brazil
Panels Chairs
Roberto Panepucci, CTI, Brazil
Davies Monteiro, UFMG, Brazil
Publicity Chair
Raimundo Freire, UFCG, Brazil
Liaison Americas/ Asia/ Europe
Kristen Donnell , Missouri S&T, USA
Jorge Daher, IEEE-IMS, Uruguay
Chi Hung Hwang, ITRC, Taiwan
Octavian Postolache, ISCTE/IT, Portugal
Sponsored by:
Co-sponsored by:

Organized by:

Supported by:

Silicon Sponsors:

- SBMicro 2020
- SBCCI 2020
- INSCIT 2020
- WCAS 2020
- SForum 2020
- Business Forum
- Women in Microelectronics
- SBMicro Assembly
- CA-ME Meeting
- Thesis Contest