VOLUME 3 – NÚMERO 1 – ANO 2013

Workshop on Circuits and System Design


Design of a Wideband LNA for Human Body Communication
Maicon D. Pereira and Fernando Rangel de Sousa

A Low-Power, 10-bit, 185 kSPS CMOS SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter
William Prodanov, Lucas de Mello Kindermann and Paulo Augusto Dal Fabbro

Bulk Biased RF Energy Harvesting Dedicated to 900MHz/2.4GHz ISM Bands
Dean Karolak, Thierry Taris, Yann Deval, Jean-Baptiste Bégueret and André Mariano

A Fully Integrated, Programmable, 0.1–1.5A, Li-Ion CMOS Battery Charger
Daniel Pasti Mioni, Tatiana Dias Martins de Carvalho, Juan Carlos Mateus Ardila and Murilo Pilon Pessatti

Design and Implementation of a WISHBONE-compatible Low-Noise Arbitrary Waveform Generator with DAC compensation
Cecil Melo and Ricardo E. de Souza

Design and FPGA Prototyping of a DVB-S2 Receiver: Towards a VLSI Implementation in CMOS
Eduardo Rodrigues de Lima, Augusto Queiroz, Gabriel Santos da Silva, Felipe Andres Manrique Erazo and José Eduardo Bertuzzo

MPSoC with IPNoSys as Processing Element
Andre Luiz Viana and Sílvio Roberto Fernandes

Interactive Power and Area Reduction Applied to an UHF RFID Digital Block
Gabriel Tadeo, Fernando Luis Herrmann, Júlio Leão, Gerald Garcia and João Baptista dos Santos Martins

Full Design of an Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Sensor
Erasmo Chiappetta Filho, Luiz Eduardo Bento Ribeiro and Fabiano Fruett

A 0.18 µm Variable Gain Transimpedance Amplifier for 2.4 GHz IEEE 802.15.4 Direct Conversion Receiver
Germán Fierro, Pedro Toledo, Sandro Ferreira and Eric Fabris

Variability Analysis of the CMOS OTA Performance Designed by an Evolutionary System
Rodrigo Alves de Lima Moreto, Gabriel Augusto da Silva, Carlos Eduardo Thomaz and Salvador Pinillos Gimenez

Fully Automated, Low Cost, Bench-Testing Solution for Analog/Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuits
Erasmo Chiappetta, Sergio Rueda, Murillo Franco, Julian Jenkins, Flavilene Souza and José Bertuzzo

Exploring EPC Gen-2 clock generation with self-calibrating oscillator
Lucas Teixeira and Gustavo Fernando Dessbesell

A pipelined semi-parallel LDPC Decoder architecture for DVB-S2
Denise Costa Alves, Eduardo Rodrigues Lima and José Eduardo Bertuzzo

Evaluating the Costs of Communication Services in a Network Interface for a Network-on-Chip
Douglas Melo, Michelle Wangham and Cesar Zeferino

A Synthesizable Serial-in Syndrome Calculator for DVB-S2 BCH Decoding
Cesar G. Chaves, Eduardo R. Lima, Jacqueline G. Mertes and Jose E. Bertuzzo


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