
2018 Free IC Fabrication mini@sic Program For Brazilian universities

2018 Free IC Fabrication mini@sic Program For Brazilian universities

Jacobus W. Swart 

Imec Brazil, Campinas, SP



-        Brazil has several incentive programs for the stimulation of ASIC design and has set up several design houses 

-        Design houses need experienced IC designers

-        Through the IC-Brazil Program several hundred designers have been trained and employed by the design houses

-        Before entering the IC-Brazil Program and/or job market it would be beneficial if students at Undergraduate, Master and PhD level could have the chance to design small ICs and have them fabricated and tested


Imec Brazil would like to contribute to the growth of the IC ecosystem in Brazil by offering some free IC fabrication to Brazilian universities on Europractice mini@sic runs (www.europractice-ic.com).


Imec IC-Link offers 5 free seats on mini@asic (see concept at figure 1) MPW runs under next conditions and following successful experience since 2013 with 5 designs supported yearly:

-        Technology TSMC 0.18u MS/RF

-        On scheduled mini@sic runs:  May and September 2018

-        Maximum design area of a seat: 1660 x 1660 microns

-        Delivery: free samples (dies), maximum 40

-        Packaging: free up to 500 euro

 Who can apply?

-        Professors at Brazilian universities

-        For non-funded Master or PhD student designs

-        More application can be submitted, but maximum 1 design per university can be approved for free fabrication


How to apply?

-        There is only one deadline for proposal submissions: 1 December 2017, for tape out in April or September 2018 (more details at www.europractice-ic.com).

-        Submit appended application form to jacobus.swart@imec.be

-        Imec will inform about the selection within 4 weeks after the submission deadlines

-        See also details at http://europractice-ic.com/IMEC_Brazil_free_IC_fabrication_NEW.php

 Design Selection Committee:

-        Name to be indicated by SBMicro

-        Name to be indicated by CECCI/SBC

-        Name to be indicated by IC Brazil program

-        Jacobus Swart – imec Brazil

Date of submission:

 Project title:

(suggestion: University Acronym and Circuit Name, example UNICAMP – RFID circuit)

 University Name and Faculty:

 Name of advisor:


Name of student(s):


Study program and number of the student(s): (____) PhD, (___) Master, (___) Undergraduate

 Commitment: (___) the authors are committed to mention “imec fabrication support“ at related publications and to send a short report about the result to be published at the site of the program (see model at the site): http://europractice-ic.com/IMEC_Brazil_free_IC_fabrication_NEW.php

 Description of the IC (type, application, novelty, approximate transistor count, main characteristics, etc)



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