
IEEE CASS Rio Grande do Sul Talks 2021 - Reconfigure the World: Adaptive-Transfer-Function and Multi-Band RF Filtering Devices for Emerging Wireless Systems

O Capítulo IEEE CASS RS está organizando o IEEE CASS Rio Grande do Sul Talks 2021, uma série de lives todas sextas-feiras às 13:30h (horário de Brasília) pelo YouTube.

A próxima live será no dia 06 de agosto às 13:30, com o Prof. Roberto Gomez-Garcia, da Universidade de Alcalá, Espanha e o tema será “Reconfigure the World: Adaptive-Transfer-Function and Multi-Band RF Filtering Devices for Emerging Wireless Systems

Você poderá acompanhar a live através do link abaixo. Contamos com a sua presença!

Link do YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/cassriograndedosul

OBS: Slides e áudio em Inglês

As versões gravadas das palestras de 2020 e 2021 também estão disponíveis lá no canal YouTube do IEEE CAS RS

Próximas lives:

·                August 13, Luciano Agostini, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Brazil, Video Coding State-of-the-Art and Trends

·                August 20, Malgorzata Chrzanowska-Jeske, Portland State University, Portland, USA, Heterogeneous Integration – 3D Systems and Emerging Devic

·                August 23-27: Chip in the Fields, SBCCI

·                September 3, Eduardo da Silva, UFRJ, Brazil, New modalities for acquisition, representation, processing and visualization of image: plenoptic functions and light fields

·                September 10, Sandip Kundu, University of Massachusetts, USA

·                September 17, Pierre-Emmanuel Gaillardon, The University of Utah, USA

·                September 20-24, IEEE CASS Seasonal School on Circuits and Systems for IoT

·                September 29-October 1, IEEE CASS Rio Grande do Sul Workshop 2021

·                October 8, David Atienza, EPFL, Switzerland

·                October 15, Nader Bagherzadeh, University of California at Irvine, USA, Some Aspects of Machine Learning Computer Architecture

·                October 22, José Azambuja, UFRGSl, Brazil, In-Network Computing and Switch Virtualization Walk into a Bar



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