The SBMicro symposium is an international forum dedicated to fabrication and modeling of microsystems, integrated circuits and devices held annually in Brazil. The goal of the symposium is to bring together researchers in the areas of processing, materials, characterization, modeling and TCAD of integrated circuits, microsensors, microactuators and MEMS. The 37th SBMicro will take place in Rio de Janeiro, the touristic icon of Brazil. This international conference offers a unique blend of microelectronics and serves as a major conference for the discussion of interdisciplinary research around the world through a variety of formats, such as oral presentations, poster sessions, exhibits, panel discussions and tutorial sessions. All accepted papers will be published at the IEEEXplore. The best papers presented at the symposium will be invited to resubmit an extended version that will be considered for publication at the JICS – Journal of Integrated Circuits and Systems. Information about paper submission is available at the conference webpage. The areas of interest include:
- Nanoelectronics
- Device physics and characterization
- Modeling and simulation
- Semiconductor and MEMS processing
- Optoeletronics and photovoltaic
- Energy havesting
- Power devices
- Novel materials and devices
- Sensors and Actuators
- Plasma technology and diagnostics
- Display technology
- Reliability and yield
- Circuit-device interaction
- Biomedical devices
- Packaging
- Engineering education
Important Dates
Paper submission Hard deadline:31.03.2023 | 23.04.2023 | 15.05.2023
Notification of acceptance:26.05.2023 | 05.06.2023 | 12.06.2023 | 22.06.2023
Camera-ready deadline:16.06.2023 | 19.06.2023 | 26.06.2023 | 06.07.2023
General Chair
Patrícia Lustoza de Souza, PUC-Rio, Brazil
Program Chairs
Michelly de Souza, FEI, Brazil
Roberto Jakomin, UFRJ, Brazil
Valeriya Kilchytska, UCLouvain – Belgium
Tutorial Chair
Marcelo Pavanello, FEI, Brazil
Panels Chair
Marcelo Lubaszewski, UFRGS, Brazil
Local Arrangements Chairs
Ana Barros, CEFET Rio, Brazil
Fabián Olivera, CEFET Rio, Brazil
Germano Maioli Penello, UFRJ, Brasil
Guilherme Torelly, PUC-Rio, Brazil
Maurício Pamplona Pires, UFRJ, Brazil
Roberto Jakomin, UFRJ, Brazil
Finance Chairs
Jacobus Swart, Unicamp, Brazil
Aymara Villela, Unicamp, Brazil
Celina Yunaka USP, Brazil
Publicity Chair
Linnyer Ruiz, UEM, Brazil
Publication Chair
Jhonattan Cordoba, UFMG, Brazil
Exhibition Chair
Mauricio Pamplona Pires, UFRJ, Brazil
Liaison Chairs Americas/Asia/Europe
Gottfried Strasser, TU-Wien, Austria
Cor Claeys, IMEC, Belgium
Peter Qiang Liu, University of Buffalo, USA
Matias Migues, UCU, Uruguay
André Saraiva, Diraq, Australia
Daniel Micha, IPFV, France
Co-located Events:
7th INSCIT, International Symposium on Instrumentation Systems, Circuits and Transducers
36th SBCCI, Symposium On Integrated Circuits And Systems Design
23rd SForum, Microelectronics Students Forum
13rd WCAS, Workshop on Circuits and Systems Design