
Go to the Registration Form

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Registration ChipInRio

Until July 31th, 2023

Professionals members of SBMicro, SBC or IEEE R$ 2.500,00
Students members of SBMicro, SBC or IEEE R$ 1.000,00
Professionals non-members R$ 3.000,00
Students non-members R$ 1.200,00

After July 31th, 2023

Professionals members of SBMicro, SBC or IEEE R$ 2.750,00
Students members of SBMicro, SBC or IEEE R$ 1.100,00
Professionals non-members R$ 3.300,00
Students non-members R$ 1.320,00

Until July 31th, 2023

Professionals members of SBMicro, SBC or IEEE US$ 650,00
Students members of SBMicro, SBC or IEEE US$ 300,00
Professionals non-members US$ 800,00
Students non-members US$ 370,00

After July 31th, 2023

Professionals members of SBMicro, SBC or IEEE US$ 720,00
Students members of SBMicro, SBC or IEEE US$ 330,00
Professionals non-members US$ 880,00
Students non-members US$ 400,00

Important information

  • All registration categories include: access to all sessions of all collocated events, certificates and coffee breaks.
  • At least one paper author MUST be registered at an EARLY REGISTRATION FEE (until July 31th) to allow the paper presentation/publication at SBMicro, SBCCI, INSCIT, WCAS or SForum.
  • One Early Professional Registration can cover up to THREE authored papers in any of the collocated events.
  • One Student registration can cover only ONE authored paper in any of the collocated events.
  • A limited number of GRANTS will be available to participants developing research in Brazilian research institutions. The financial support for these grants is provided by Brazilian research agencies.
  • Cancellation policy:  requests until July 15th, will receive 70% refund. Refunds will be paid until 60 days after the conference. After July 15th, no refunds allowed.