Workshop on Circuits and System Design – WCAS 2023 is devoted to the presentation and discussion of design experiences with a high degree of relevance in industrial, educational and research contexts, as well as innovative design methodologies and application of specific design technologies in an industrial context. The workshop is organized within two tracks: industrial and academic, stimulating the interaction between players from different environments, from silicon to embedded systems, from universities and small companies to large ones. Contributions should illustrate state-of-the-art designs, design methodologies, or tools, which will provide viable solutions in tomorrow’s silicon and embedded systems. The contributor is encouraged to present electronic circuits, systems, and product engineering design results from FPGA, MCU-based, RF-IoT and/or ASIC prototypes. Designs that achieve a specific record in terms of performance, power management, or any other competitive advantage compared to the state-of-theart or that achieve a specific innovative level and social impact in the technology market for an application domain should also be submitted to this workshop. Validated methodologies and techniques through demonstration are welcome. The contribution in terms of local/regional/global social impact is welcome. The areas of interest include:
- Analog & RF & Mixed Signal
- EDA, Verification and Test
- Digital, Reconfigurable & Applications
- SoC, NoC, Embedded
- Industrial Application of ASICs (Computing,
- Communication, Consumer, Transportation,
- Medical/Healthcare, Energy Generation,
- Recovery and Management Systems.
Important Dates
Paper submission Hard deadline31.03.2023 | 23.04.2023 | 15.05.2023
Notification of acceptance26.05.2023 | 05.06.2023 | 12.06.2023
Camera-ready deadline16.06.2023 | 19.06.2023 | 26.06.2023
General Chair
Patrícia Lustoza de Souza, PUC-Rio, Brazil
Program Chairs
Arthur Liraneto, Cadence Design System, Brazil
Sandro Binsfeld Ferreira, UNISINOS, Brazil
Tutorial Chair
Marcelo Pavanello, FEI, Brazil
Panels Chair
Marcelo Lubaszewski, UFRGS, Brazil
Local Arrangements Chairs
Ana Barros, CEFET Rio, Brazil
Fabián Olivera, CEFET Rio, Brazil
Germano Maioli Penello, UFRJ, Brazil
Guilherme Torelly, PUC-Rio, Brazil
Maurício Pamplona Pires, UFRJ, Brazil
Roberto Jakomin, UFRJ, Brazil
Finance Chairs
Jacobus Swart, Unicamp, Brazil
Aymara Villela, Unicamp, Brazil
Celina Yunaka USP, Brazil
Publicity Chair
Linnyer Ruiz, UEM, Brazil
Exhibition Chair
Mauricio Pamplona Pires, UFRJ, Brazil
Liaison Chairs Americas/Asia/Europe
To be defined
Co-located Events:
7th INSCIT, 36th SBCCI, 37th SBMicro e 23rd SForum