The Microelectronics Students Forum is an event promoted by the Brazilian Microelectronics Society (SBMicro) and the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC) with the following main goals:
- Promote the participation of undergraduate students in the two most important international events in the area of Microelectronics organized each year in Brazil: “SBCCI: Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design” and “SBMicro: Symposium on Microelectronics Technology and Devices”;
- Promote the realization of student’s projects in a variety of topics within the field of microelectronics;
- Provide an opportunity for the presentation and discussion of research projects developed by undergraduate students;
- Promote advanced tutorial presentations on microelectronics understandable for undergraduate and graduate students starting or willing to start in this promising field.
Undergraduate students (or graduate students in their early years) are invited to submit papers having 2 to 4 pages, written in English, in double-column format. The best papers will be invited for oral presentation. Information about paper submission are available at the conference webpage.
Important Dates
Paper submission Hard deadline:19.05.2023 | 02.06.2023 | 16.06.2023
Notification of acceptance:23.06.2023 | 30.06.2023 | 03.07.2023
Camera-ready deadline:30.06.2023 | 07.07.2023 | 10.07.2023
General Chair
Patrícia Lustoza de Souza, PUC-Rio, Brazil
Program Chairs
Cristina Meinhardt, UFSC, Brazil
Germano Maioli Penello, UFRJ, Brazil
Tutorial Chair
Marcelo Pavanello, FEI, Brazil
Panels Chair
Marcelo Lubaszewski, UFRGS, Brazil
Local Arrangements Chairs
Ana Barros, CEFET Rio, Brazil
Fabián Olivera, CEFET Rio, Brazil
Germano Maioli Penello, UFRJ, Brazil
Guilherme Torelly, PUC-Rio, Brazil
Maurício Pamplona Pires, UFRJ, Brazil
Roberto Jakomin, UFRJ, Brazil
Finance Chairs
Jacobus Swart, Unicamp, Brazil
Aymara Villela, Unicamp, Brazil
Celina Yunaka USP, Brazil
Publicity Chair
Linnyer Ruiz, UEM, Brazil
Publication Chair
Cristina Meinhardt, UFSC, Brazil
Exhibition Chair
Mauricio Pamplona Pires, UFRJ, Brazil
Liaison Chairs Americas/Asia/Europe
Gottfried Strasser, TU-Wien, Austria
Matias Migues, UCU, Uruguay
André Saraiva, Diraq, Australia
Daniel Micha, IPFV, France
Peter Qiang Liu, UB, USA
Co-located Events:
7th INSCIT, International Symposium on Instrumentation Systems, Circuits and Transducers
36th SBCCI, Symposium On Integrated Circuits And Systems Design
37th SBMicro, Symposium on Microelectronics Technology
13rd WCAS, Workshop on Circuits and Systems Design