This symposium is a forum held annually in Brazil and dedicated to the fabrication and modeling of microsystems, integrated circuits and devices. The goal of the symposium is to bring together researchers in the fields of processing, materials, characterization, modeling and TCAD of integrated circuits, microsensors, microactuators and MEMS.
SBMicro2006 will take place in Ouro Preto, a wonderful historical city dating from the colonial times. This international conference offers a unique blend of microtechnologies and offers the appropriate atmosphere for the discussion of interdisciplinary research through a variety of formats, such as oral presentations, poster sessions, exhibits, panel discussions, meetings and tutorial sessions.
The best papers presented at the symposium might be entitled to an extended version that will be considered for publication at the Journal of the Electrochemical Society.
SBMicro strongly encourages international submissions. Prospective authors from around the world are invited to submit manuscripts in English for consideration by the Program Committee. Manuscripts must contain a maximum of 10 pages, using 12-point font and single spacing.
The program committee will not consider submissions of manuscripts previously published at other conferences or journals. The first page should include the title, author(s) identification, author(s) affiliation, and abstract.
Papers to SBMicro must be submitted electronically (PDF format) at the conference website. For proposals on special sessions, tutorials, panels and tool demos, please email a short description directly to the program chairs prior to the submission deadline. For additional inquiries on submissions, please contact the program chairs. The guidelines for authors are included in the following file: Guidelines_SBMicro2006.doc.
Authors should include the complete address, phone/fax numbers and email address, and appoint a contact person and a presenter.
Semiconductor processing
IC and MEMS fabrication
novel materials and devices
sensors and actuators (transducers)
sensor and microsystem networks
display technology
device characterization
photovoltaic process technology
amorphous silicon technology
plasma technology and diagnostics
CAD and modeling
packaging and reliability
technology roadmaps
engineering education