A parallel event with outreach workshops and seminars
in different underprivileged communities in Rio de Janeiro will take place for the first time.

Naves do Conhecimento

Tem Menina no Circuito, group winner of the “Nature Awards for Inspiring Women in Science”, in the “Science Outreach” category, promoted by the journal Nature.

Manna Team one of the largest network of researchers in the field of Exponential Technologies, the ones that have a potential to shape society, such as Internet of Things, Robotics and Artificial Intelligence.

LAPED, Laboratório de Pesquisa em Ensino e Divulgação de Ciência, dedicated to upbringing professionals in the field of Science Education and Outreaching Initiatives. The group brings together theoretical, experimental and applied Science to better develop Science Education. It also connects Science teachers with research based at universities, promotes upbringing courses for Science teachers, carries out workshops of modern Science for high school students and develops experimental kits to introduce scientific concepts to elementary schools’ pupils.

DISSE, Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia em Dispositivos Semicondutores, investigates and develops semiconductor structures for the fabrication of optoelectronic devices, with an emphasis on infrared photodetectors, solar cells, and devices based on purely quantum effects not yet explored. The group has established itself as a center for III-V semiconductor epitaxy by producing a wide variety of infrared photodetectors operating in different bands, optimizing different figures of merit, and has advanced in the understanding of quantum effects that can be exploited in devices of tomorrow.
DISSE successfully fulfills its missions in research, training of human resources, transfer of acquired knowledge to companies and/or governmental offices, and scientific dissemination.
Padre Miguel

September 1st
morning and afternoon
Maleable electric circuits – Tem Menina no Circuito
Workshop of circuits with papers and modeling dough using LEDs, motors, paper and batteries. Indicated for children over 9 years old.

September 1st
Seminar by Prof. Vitor Acioly, LAPED
Sirius, the new Brazilian particle accelerator and the cutting-edge technology made by Brazilians.

September 1st
Vendo o Invisível – Prof. Renato Mourão, IFF

September 1st
MannAcademia Internet of Drones (IoD) – Manna Team

September 2nd
MannAcademia de Internet das Coisas Robóticas (IoRT) – Manna Team

September 2nd
MannAcademia de Inovação – Manna Team